Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Post Coming, Exciting News

Lots has been going on the last two days, but change is coming - change in the form of my next entry.

In the meantime, I would like to announce to any of my loyal readers that I will now be contributing to a second blog:, where I will serve as one of the bloggers for Haverford's College Democrats. It'll probably feature condensed, less sarcastic versions of things I report here, but it may sometimes highlight things I don't get to here.

So, if you just can't get enough of my political trepidations here, feel free to journey inside the Haverbubble and join me there, too.


Anonymous said...

I clicked the link, but alas there was no linkage!

Morgan Aye said...

Are you the only Ben posting on the Haverford dems site? Or do I have to be smart and infer that it's you from your writing? :-P

Ben said...

I'm the only Ben who is currently posting. In fact, I'm the only Ben anywhere. There shall be no more Bens, so that the world may know the truth.