Thursday, July 3, 2008

A White Guy Ruins The Terrorist Fist Jab and McCain Roughs Up Some Guy! 124 Days to Go!

Some fun news today, as I am getting a little more nervous about this race than I was before.

--> Republican Senator Thad Cochran (MS) yesterday spun a yarn that certainly caught my eye. He accompanied John McCain on a diplomatic mission to Nicaragua in 1987 to meet with the newly-elected, leftist, Sandinista President Ortega. According to Cochran, he witnessed McCain get into an argument with one of Ortega's lieutenants: "I looked down there and John had reached over and grabbed this guy by the shirt collar and had snatched him up like he was throwing him up out of the chair to tell him what he thought about him or whatever." No punches were thrown, but Cochran was apparently quite surprised by McCain's temper.

Cochran had told the Boston Globe in January, "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."

Of course, in the months since January, Cochran has realized that McCain has overcome his temper since 1987 (I know, the timeline there doesn't really make sense, but the GOP is gonna go with it). His office released a statement suggesting that the point Cochran was trying to make was that McCain has long since overcome his temper and has matured greatly. McCain himself denied the story completely.

--> John McCain's allies in his presidential race have found loopholes in the campaign finance law (you know, the one written by John McCain...the one that Obama opted out of because it's a stupid, broken system?). It appears that law doesn't set limits on the amount of money that the Governor's Association can raise, so they've been reeling in large donations to help McCain. Gotta love that campaign finance system.

--> On the Senate front, Republican candidate Bob Kelleher has chosen a bizarre strategy to use against Democratic incumbent Senator Max Baucus (MT). Worried that Baucus would start using personal smears to derail Kelleher's campaign, the Republican decided that his only course of action was to beat Baucus to the punch and attack his own personal life. (That was a really weird sentence to type). Imagine that this was a boxing match. Kelleher decided that Baucus was gonna start punching him in the face, so he decided it would hurt less if he punched himself. For visual aid, this is what that would look like:

When he was 23, Kelleher dropped out of a monastery because he "couldn't handle the vow of chastity." He's been married and divorced three times, has seven children, six of whom were with his first wife, whom he walked out on. To justify his actions, Kelleher explained, "I wanted to have fun." This is perfectly understandable. You see, Kelleher knows that some boys take a beautiful girl, and hide her away from the rest of the world. But Kelleher wants to be the one to walk in the sun, because doomed GOP Senate candidates just wanna have fun. In all seriousness, I understand the desire to control a story, but this is a little excessive. Kelleher has no chance in this race, and it'll be another landslide embarrassment for the Republican Party that failed to find even a decent candidate against Baucus.

--> A new USA Today/Gallup Poll demonstrates 1) that these pollsters continue to not ask important questions and 2) that 6 in 10 Americans believe that wearing a flag pin indicates that you are patriotic. Funny, I always thought that wearing a flag pin indicated that you were married, or that you were in the closet, or that you were caving in to crazy people who suggested that you weren't patriotic for NOT wearing a flag pin. Could we please stop worrying about flag pins? Please????

And now, our:

Picture of the Day:

Here, our President demonstrates either that he's really white, or a secret terrorist.

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