Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mr. Personality & Ms. Gongeniality, Bridges to Who-Knows-Where, And My Hair Falls Out One Poll At a Time! 56 Days to Go!

Sorry for the delay, folks. I've been a little bit over-extended lately, but I'm hoping that this will get me back on track. However, I'm sure that my delay is in some part due to...

--> Post-RNC polling. Yes, yes, I know that they don't mean much. Voters have short memories, and McCain's bounce will fade just like Obama's did. But what if it doesn't? 4 years ago, the RNC changed the dynamics of a race that Kerry was leading all summer, and I'm afraid that it may have happened again. Tracking polls show McCain leading anywhere from 1% to 5% ahead of Obama.

--> And the Republicans are good at this game. McCain's campaign has clearly seized on the focus that will win them this race: personality over issues. Apparently, they've realized that McCain's policies are anything but those of an "original maverick." Thus, they've settled on a personality contest: McCain the POW versus Obama the "What's a Community Organizer?". Obama has more popular (or in the context of this race/reality: better) plans than McCain on just about every issue: bringing the troops home, focusing on Afghanistan/Pakistan, increasing funding for charter schools, merit pay for teachers and higher accountability of teachers who stay in the classroom, working towards universal healthcare, a massive investment in green technologies and programs to train our veterans in those industries.

If this race is about the issues, McCain loses. This country is sick of the way that Bush and his party have run our government, and people are looking for a change. McCain has to emphasize that he is a better man than Obama, and someone who can better relate to "the people" (which would make sense as McCain probably has more neighbors with his 9 houses than Obama does). So, he just has to talk about how he's going to "shake up Washington," talk about his POW experience...oh wait, people have stopped listening. At this point, McCain stops talking, takes a seat, and brings out Palin.

--> Because if this is a personality contest, there's really no better person to have on your side than a pit bull in lipstick/Ms. Congeniality (haven't quite figured out how those two go together). But Palin has indeed closed the enthusiasm gap - people seem to absolutely love her, seemingly more than the guy at the top of the ticket. She even has her own action figure (NOT A DOLL!). Unfortunately, it would appear that Palin's bragging about her record is as fake as her doll looks.

--> In the McCain/Palin Campaign's latest (and lyingest) video yet, they tout McCain and his Trophy-Running-Mate as people who will shake up Washington. "He fights pork-barrel spending. She stopped the Bridge to Nowhere." Sadly, it would appear that this wasn't exactly the case. Palin, who was much to her own cerca-2008 chagrin appears to have been far from the governor-crusader against pork that she now claims to be, apparently was for the bridge before she was against it. Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post writes, "She endorsed the remote project while running for governor in 2006, claimed to be an opponent only after Congress killed its funding the next year and has used the $223 million provided for it for other state ventures. Far from being an opponent of earmarks, Palin hired lobbyists to try to capture more federal funding." This truly is change you can believe in, if only in the same sense that you can close your eyes, clap your hands and shout, "I believe in fairies!"

--> But wait, the McCain/Palin Blatant-Lies Express continues trecking forward. The Washington Post reports that Sarah Palin, during her first 19 months in office, charged a government allowance intended to cover travel expenses for state business for 312 nights. Unfortunately, those 312 nights were spent in her own home. The taxpayers of Alaska paid Sarah Palin to stay almost a full calendar year in her house. Then again, I would certainly pay Sarah Palin and John McCain $16,951 to spend the next 4 years in Wasilla, Alaska.

--> Meanwhile, Senator Joe Lieberman (something-CT) today discovered that the throngs of adoring fans he saw in Minnesota don't accurately reflect the opinions of everyone around him. When he returned to Capitol Hill, he was greeted by the resignation of his legislative director (who makes $120K per year). Considering that he didn't appear to have any solid employment plans, it would appear that he just got sick of his boss making an ass of himself. Luckily, Lieberman himself will be looking for work again in just 4 years.

--> And because this whole entry has been angry and relatively morbid, I urge you to check out this video - wait til the ending when Senator Norm Coleman tries to explain what he thinks of his fellow Republican, President George W. Bush.

By Friday, I promise you a much better entry. Namely, I'm going to write the speech that Obama should give were he ever given a chance to speak directly to the American public between now and Election Day.

Also coming up on EDC, I'll be previewing each of the Presidential (and Vice-Presidential) "debates," and suggesting questions that Senators Obama and Biden should use to cross-examine McCain and Palin (but probably won't use).

Today, of course, is primary day in the state of New York for local races. In particular, I noticed that the 102nd State Assembly District has a terrific candidate running for the Democratic nomination. Best of luck to him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. losing your hair? what???
2. ask your dad about the original Maverick. We can only hope that this year's 'original Maverick' shares the same fate.
3. didn't someone call Sarah Palin "Ronald Reagan in a dress"? I don't even know here to begin.