Friday, June 6, 2008

People Not Named Hillary! 151 Days to Go!

So with our analysis of Hillary yesterday, we've jumped right into the Veepstakes phenomenon that's sweeping the nation, and inspired to copy me, running their own article on the Pros and Cons of Hillary's VP possibilities the day after I did (I'm on to you, VoteMaster).

Today we move on to the rest of the Democratic field for running mate. Some interesting choices, if you ask me.

--> Senator Jim Webb (D-VA): For my money, the best pick for Obama for a number of reasons. His resume is impeccable, and designed especially for the purpose of wooing moderates and Republicans: former Republican, Secretary of the Navy under Reagan, 2 years in the Senate, tons of foreign policy experience, and a Hollywood screenwriter (it's true, check imdb if you don't believe me). He also probably locks up Virginia for the Dems, which is a huge boost to Obama's candidacy. However, he is known as something of a loose cannon. Most importantly, he remained neutral in the primary race, so he could be tolerable to Hillary and her supporters: Hillary-O-Meter - 7, measuring scores of how Hillary would appreciate this choice ranging from 1 (Rick Lazio) to 10 (Hillary Clinton).

--> Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM): His resume is superb: Ambassador to the UN, Secretary of Energy, Congressman, and governor (a Hispanic one, at that). He'd put most of the south-west in play just with his presence on the ticket. He also has a fantastic I'm-Oliver-Platt look going for him now with that crazy, evil-Spock beard. The problem is, Clinton's camp has called him Judas on several occasions due to his surprise endorsement of Obama, which I suppose implies that Hillary is our Messiah, but that's besides the point. Hillary-O-Meter - 2. Also, how diversity-happy do we want to be?

--> Former Senator John Edwards (D-NC): Today, Edwards announced that he was not interested in the this a pro or a con? He should run on a pro-haircut platform.

--> General Wesley Clark: Former Supreme Commander of NATO? Oh yes, I'd love to see that debate on foreign policy credentials. He's not a great campaigner, but he was a solid Hillary backer, which could make him another unity pick. Hillary-O-Meter: 8

--> Governor Ted Strickland (D-OH): His presence on the ticket could certainly help swing the mother of all swing states a little bit bluer. He's very blue collar, and he's a strong Hillary backer - Hillary-O-Meter: 8. The problem is that he adds no foreign policy experience to a ticket that could really use some, and most of his own people don't want him to run.

--> Governor Katherine Sebelius (D-KS): Could two native Kansans on the ticket actually turn the state blue? The short answer is no. The long answer is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. However, Sebelius is very popular in the Midwest, and is a rising star in the party. Many people also think that she could help bring in the white women who will feel scorned now that their savior has been vanquished. In my estimation, however, Hillary backers will feel really really pissed off if a woman not named Hill-dawg is on the ballot - Hillary-O-Meter: 3

--> Governor Janet Napolitano (D-AZ): Much of this answer will be the same as the above. She can't turn Arizona blue. She's popular in the Southwest, and is a rising star. She'll help with white women (AKA Hillary wanna-bes). But she could also piss them off - Hillary-O-Meter: 3

--> Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY): Just wanted to point out that she and Obama met secretly, without press or campaign staff, in Senator Feinstein's living room last night. Apparently, the VP slot was not mentioned, but they laughed a lot and seemed very friendly, and agreed upon certain terms for discussing her support. Also, this is the last time I get to mention her before she drops out, so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank her for the hard-fought, honorable campaign she's run.
P.S. Your level of pandering sickens me, you are completely self-obsessed (and if you don't believe me, just read any of her recent speeches and count the number of times she says "I", then compare it to the number of times in Obama's speeches that he says "we" or "you"), and I will fight my heart out to see that you are not the nominee in four years, were a new nominee to be necessary.

P.P.S. Any chance that this mooning gnome represents what President McCain will look like in three years when, while at a foreign summit, he forgets where he is and decides this is a good time to drop his pants?

Other news today:
--> Obama considers public financing, with certain conditions that the RNC must fulfill first.
--> Most Democrats, according to a new poll, want a unity ticket with Obama and Hill-dawg.
--> The latest product of the Republican attack machine? McCain compares Obama to William Jennings Bryan. Now that's a fantastic historical throwback. I especially liked the part in Obama's speech the other night when he threw his arms into the air and cried, "You will not crucify this nation on a cross of partisan politics!!!" Also the part where Bryan lost three times. That's relevant. Totally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about Ben for VP? Impeccable resume, although short on actual foreign policy experience. Rising young Democrat star. Extremely savy, insightful political correspondent. Would be the first liberal, Jewish, vegetarian VP - a beath of fresh air!