Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hiatus! 98 Days to Go!

As I do have to go train for the Olympics now, I'll be putting the blog on temporary vacation until I return to college (August 18th, for those keeping score at home). I just don't have the time to update as much as I should be right now, and there's too much news to adequately condense into a post every four days.

I know this is bad timing, as Obama is probably gonna present his running mate in the next couple of days, as might McCain. Be prepared for these images:

Yup, these are my formal, final predictions for Veepstakes 08. For the Democrats, it might be Obama-Kaine: two candidates and two wives who all went to Harvard Law, and both candidates' mothers grew up in El Dorado, Kansas, population 12,000. Kaine doesn't have a ton of experience (and none foreign policy-wise), but he does have a message of change, and a youthful, non-Washington look at this country. For the Republicans, what else could we expect? Two old, out-of-touch, white men. Good luck with that, fellas.
Good luck to all of you - I'll be back before things really heat up again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come baaaaaaaaaaack!