Wednesday, July 16, 2008

McCain Is The Deer In the Headlights! Roadkill for President! 111 Days to Go!

John McCain provides us with one of the instant-classic YouTube clips of this election; I plan to use this clip as a joke in as many future entries as possible.

--> Following up on an earlier post referring to Carly Fiorina's questionable comments on the availability of Viagra and birth control on health insurance plans, John McCain was confronted with his perspective on those statements. His viewpoint is demonstrated by this new pro-choice anti-McCain ad. First his eyes go wide, like he sees the car coming at him but he can't bring himself to get out of the road. Then, as Jon Stewart pointed out, his hand starts eating his face. Then he just goes quiet. Finally, our wanna-be Decider manages to stutter out a conviction-filled "I dunno." The ad will run in several swing states, where it will no doubt appeal to voters as a reason to choose McCain if they want their Commander-in-Chief to literally freeze under pressure.

--> Following up on my latest Iraq-related post, the brilliant PolitiFact has given us proof that Barack Obama has indeed NOT FLIP-FLOPPED on Iraq. Read the article, as they go through Obama's comments over the last 16 months, and don't find any contradictions.

--> JibJab, creators of the brilliant Kerry-Bush cartoons four years ago, succeeds in recapturing its former glory with an instant favorite: Time For Some Campaigning! Do watch, and enjoy.

--> Jesse Ventura, as it turns out, is not running for Senate. It's a shame, because now we'll have to live with Al Franken as the crazy celebrity politician from Minnesota.

--> And finally, President Bush, in a blatant attempt to underscore John McCain's impending senility as a policy advantage, told reporters, "I’m 62, I’m having trouble remembering a lot of things." That, by the way, is 9 years younger than McCain, although admittedly a much more alcohol-filled 62 years than McCain's 71. Did we mention McCain is married to a beer baron?

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