Friday, August 15, 2008

Election Day Countdown Countdown! 1 Day Before Return!

So, with my impending return to college, I will return to blogging the ridiculousness of this election season. I'm sorry to say that I missed a few key events:

--> the fall of John Edwards

--> Obama's Hawaii vacation spectacular

--> the RNC's ongoing ridicule of the aforementioned vacation (apparently that's the "elitist" state - there's no way Obama would take his family there because that's where he's from)

--> Michael Phelps triumphant entry into the U.S. presidential race - I hear he's currently set to win Beijing's 8 electoral votes/gold medals

--> the massive Columbia conspiracy that threatens to rewrite history as Lee Bollinger sees fit

--> oh yeah, and there was that attempted World War III in Eastern Europe - thanks again, Putin.

--> plus, I missed a golden opportunity for an addition of "Oh Wait This Guy Is Still President" with the images of Bush, ahem, enjoying women's beach volleyball

But never fear, I shall return upon my return to the Haverbubble. As per my newly-christened motto of writing this blog while at Haverford: I may be in the bubble, but this blog won't be.

We'll be returning with the Democratic Convention, the Republican Convention, and the home-stretch of this race.

See you on the other side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bush picture = too funny!
- Gigi