Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's Going to Get Worse From Here! 30 Days to Go!

As I predicted on Thursday, the gloves are coming off in the worst way. But first, let's take a look at what people think is the current state of the race.

--> Karl Rove now admits that, if the election were held today, Barack Obama would be the next President of the United States, based on current state polls. Thanks a bunch, turd blossom - no wonder everyone thinks you're so smart: you're able to recognize incredibly clear electoral trends mere weeks after the rest of the media does.

--> Meanwhile, that other reputedly brilliant campaign strategist, Sarah Palin, strongly disagrees with McCain's decision to abandon Michigan. In fact, I'm just positive that John McCain will heed her (clearly) well-reasoned advice, and make a U-turn and head straight for Michigan. Because he picked her for her expertise, you know, on electoral issues...and stuff...can we all please just admit now, for better or for worse, that she's in this race because of her breasts? I can't believe that any politician would be stupid enough to say something like this to the press. She won't change anyone's mind, and she's just giving legs to a story that only reflects negatively on McCain and his team.

--> Speaking of Palin, her fantastic debate with Joe Biden on Thursday night managed to pull in exceptionally high ratings. Check out Aden Nak for a fantastic look at how Sarah Palin prepared for her nationally televised confrontation.

--> The big story today is the big story for the next thirty days: things are going to get very ugly. This ugly:
Or this ugly:

Point is, we're talking about hockey-level brutality. It's acceptable in Canada (maybe), but not here. Apparently, the McCain campaign has shifted to virtually 100% spending on negative ads. Which is good, because I never want to hear the words "original maverick," "prisoner of war," or "McCain" again. And trust me, none of us will, unless they're coming out of an Obama ad and being said by the most sarcastic man in the universe. Instead, we'll be hearing about Rezko, Ayers, and Reverend Wright - all of whom are issues that affect Americans (apparently).

The difference between this year and 2004 is that Barack Obama is not going to take this lying down. Obama's campaign started today by releasing an ad attacking McCain for his erratic response to the economic crisis. We're going to see a harder-hitting Democratic nominee for the next month, but hopefully one that can stick roughly to his message of "why is John McCain using all these dirty attacks instead of talking about the things that really matter?"

--> Speaking of dirty issues, the New York Times did a little digging into Obama's relationship with 60s radical (and now respected educational reform advocate) Bill Ayers. They discovered that Obama plays down his ties to Ayers, but that the two men really don't have any close bonds other than living in the same neighborhood.

Of course, the moral of the story isn't what matters, it's the existence of the story about Ayers, which means the Republicans could milk it. Of course, it was published by the New York Times, which is an illegitimate, untrustworthy news source, so of course they can't possibly...I'm sorry, I've just received a memo from the RNC entitled, "The New York Times Sheds Additional Light On The Relationship Between Obama And Terrorist Bill Ayers." Nevermind. It would appear that the Times is only evil when it talks about McCain or Palin.

Palin, speaking yesterday, delivered some really hard hits against Obama, declaring,
"These are the same guys who think patriotism is paying higher taxes.
This is not a man who sees America as you and I do — as the greatest force for good in the world.
This is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country."

I hate you.

I need to call a time out for a moment. Are there still any undecideds out there? And do any of them actually read this? Well, if you are still undecided, I want you to stop and ignore the issues for a second. On a personal level, on the issue of character, John McCain does not deserve to be President of the United States. He's someone who faced these sorts of attacks 8 years ago, complained about them then, and now uses dirty tactics like essentially accusing his opponent of sympathizing with terrorists. He's someone who allows vicious lies to be spread about his opponent, from accusations of supporting kindergarten sex ed to mis-categorizing his entire tax plan as a "tax hike." He even had the audacity and disrespect for the American people to choose a wholly unqualified woman for the office of the Vice-Presidency, merely as a political stunt to lock up his base. Sarah Palin herself even appears to have no respect for law and fairness, as she's deciding to (illegally) ignore all subpeonas on herself and her staff in a legitimate ethics investigation by the Alaska state legislature. John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin is an insult to women, and an insult to all intelligent Americans who believe that, if nothing else, the President of the United States should be ready to do the job. If John McCain has that little respect for all of us, then why should we make him our President?

Okay, that didn't convince you? Fine, go look at the issues. Now you must be either convinced or brain dead.

--> On the bright side, here's (once more) Tina Fey in the role of her life:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh! The Tina Fey video is no longer available! Fix it fix it fix it!